A few days ago, I received a new box from Birchbox: Men. Let’s take a look at what was inside:
This box contained a great combination of grooming and lifestyle products:
- The Art of Shaving Pre-Shave Oil
- Nickel Super Clean Face Scrubbing Gel, Super Speed Moisturizer, and Morning After Rescue Gel
- Borghese Fango Delicato Mud Mask
- Cartier Declaration Cologne
- Birchbox Man Jigger
- Teroforma Whisky Stones
- Caskers Gift Card

You might wonder “What is ‘pre-shave oil’ and why do I need to use it? Both of those are good questions. Here are a some quick answers:
- Pre-shave oil is… oil that you use before shaving. Just like the name says.
- As to what it’s for: It moisturizes your skin and helps protect about razor burn and irritation.

That’s right. A mud mask. For men. Don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it. You might just find that it does your skin some good.

From Wikipedia:
A jigger or measure is a bartending tool used to measure liquor, which is typically then poured into a cocktail shaker. It is named for the unit of liquid it typically measures, a jigger or shot, which measures 1.5 US fluid ounces (44 ml).
A traditional style of jigger is made of stainless steel with two unequal sized opposing cones in an hourglass shape on the end of a rod. Typically, one cone measures a regulation single shot, and the other some fraction or multiple – with the actual sizes depending on local laws and customs.

Whisky Stones. A very simple concept in action: Chill your drink without watering it down. Just. Like. That.

Unfortunately, we won’t get to use this, as Utah’s laws do not allow the home delivery of alcohol. This doesn’t mean that we might not use it to send someone a gift though.
And that’s a wrap for this month’s Birchbox Men shipment!
Thanks for reading. See you next time.